
  1. Changes we made to the service in preparation for rollover 2024

    We made several changes to the service as part of our preparation for rollover

  2. Managing and communicating rollover in 2023

    We followed the same plan we used in 2022 to communicate to training providers how to publish their courses for the 2023 to 2024 recruitment cycle

  3. Emailing providers to let them know ‘Study sites’ is no longer mandatory

    We emailed all users to tell them they do not need to enter a study site to be able to publish a course and encouraged them to publish as soon as possible

  4. Improving the guidance when a training provider withdraws a course

    We added content and a link to the withdraw course page to help users better understand the implications of withdrawing a course

  5. Encouraging providers to open their course to receive applications as soon as possible

    We added some content to the ‘Applications open date’ question to encourage providers to open their course as soon as it’s on Find

  6. Adding a guidance page about schools and study sites

    We added a new guidance page to help providers understand how to add schools and study sites to a course

  7. Improving the guidance above the salaried courses text box

    We made some improvements to the static content on salaried course pages to make it more informative

  8. Hiding the ‘Add course’ button when organisation details are missing

    We only show the ‘Add course’ button when the provider has entered the required information to create a course

  9. Making international fees mandatory for providers sponsoring Student visas

    We’ve made the international fee mandatory for courses where the provider has said they can sponsor Student visas

  10. Including ‘Study sites’ in the course details

    We updated the ‘Add course’ and the edit course flows to include ‘Study sites’

  11. Adding a study site when JavaScript is unavailable

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add study site flow

  12. Adding ‘Study sites’

    We added a way for providers to add ‘Study sites’ to their account using Get information about schools (GIAS) data

  13. Replacing the ‘Teaching apprenticeship’ question for accredited providers

    We replaced the ‘Teaching apprenticeship’ question with the ‘Funding type’ question for accredited providers

  14. Updating organisation details

    We updated the organisation details section to reflect work done on adding and editing organisations in Support

  15. Removing course vacancies

    We removed course vacancies as this was misleading for candidates

  16. Managing and communicating rollover in 2022

    We duplicated courses, added a way to switch between recruitment cycles and informed users about the rollover process

  17. Adding new guidance pages to ‘How to use this service’

    We added some new guidance about how to use Publish following initial teacher training (ITT) reforms

  18. Adding an accredited provider when JavaScript is unavailable

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add accredited provider flow

  19. Improving how training partners manage their accredited providers

    We improved how training partners add, update and remove accredited providers

  20. Improving the course preview

    We updated the the draft course preview to make it easier to view and update missing content

  21. Adding a school when there is no JavaScript available

    We added a no-JavaScript version of the add school flow

  22. Renaming ‘locations’ to ‘school placements’

    We replaced the term ‘Locations’ with ‘School placements’ to reflect the information displayed on Find postgraduate teacher training

  23. Improving how providers add schools

    We added a way for providers to find schools to add to their account using Get information about schools (GIAS) data

  24. Renaming ‘accredited body’ to ‘accredited provider’

    We replaced the term ‘accredited body’ with ‘accredited provider’ to reflect how we talk about providers internally and externally

  25. Updating the error messages displayed in the add and edit course flows

    We improved the error messages on the ‘Add course’ and edit course flows to make the language clearer and more accurate

  26. Revising ‘Engineers teach physics’ content

    We updated two pages containing Engineers teach physics content

  27. Updating error pages

    We updated error pages shown when a page is not found or when there is a problem with the service

  28. Showing course title on the ‘Check your answers’ page

    We updated the position of the course title on the add course ‘Check your answers’ page to make it clear to users how the course will be named

  29. Updating information about bursaries and scholarships

    We updated the bursary and scholarship information following the publication of funding information for the academic year 2023 to 2024

  30. Adding an ‘Engineers teach physics’ question to courses

    We added a way for providers to mark their physics courses as being part of the ‘Engineers teach physics’ programme

  31. Updating the ‘Check your answers’ and course details pages

    We updated the ‘Check your answers’ and course details pages to make the content consistent with the add and edit course flows

  32. Making the visa sponsorship questions clearer

    We improved the clarity of the visa sponsorship questions and made them more specific

  33. Making course previews consistent with Find

    We updated course previews to make them consistent with Find and improved how we indicate missing content

  34. Guidance on how training providers should name their courses

    The policy for what initial teacher training (ITT) providers should include in their course titles

  35. Improving the content on the add and edit course flows

    We updated content and some interactions to make adding and editing a course clearer

  36. Separating the ‘Published’ status into ‘Open’, ‘Closed’ and ‘Scheduled’ statuses

    We updated the ‘Published’ status to more accurately describe the state the course is in on Find postgraduate teacher training

  37. Updating how providers manage course vacancies

  38. Changing ‘cycle’ to ‘recruitment cycle’

    We updated the wording in Publish to match Manage and our style guide

  39. Reviewing course statuses

    We reviewed the course statuses and found ways to improve them

  40. Improving the course summary examples guidance page

    We updated the course summary examples page in response to provider feedback

  41. Indicating unanswered questions with ‘not entered’

    We made sure we’re consistent in how we indicate that a provider did not answer a question

  42. Improving the guidance on the course description pages

    We updated the guidance on the course summary, school placements and interview process pages to make it more relevant and concise

  43. Adding guidance on how to use this service

    We added a new guidance section to the service to help users create better course content

  44. Allowing users to manually rollover courses not previously published

    We added a way for users to manually roll over courses into the next recruitment cycle

  45. Emailing users to let them know that courses will be rolled over soon

    We emailed all Publish users to tell them that their courses would be rolled over on 7 July 2022

  46. Moving the position of course status and course actions

    We moved the course status tag and course actions to make it easier for users to see the status of their course and take action

  47. Switching between recruitment cycles during rollover

    We added a way for users to be able to switch between recruitment cycles during rollover

  48. Updating how organisations manage their locations

    We improved the process of managing locations and now allow providers to remove locations

  49. Showing financial support from the government

    We added bursary and scholarship information to the course length and fees section of the course description page

  50. Showing academic year on the course details page

    We added academic year information next to the course start date on the course details page