
  1. What we shipped for UCAS transition

    Locations, location editing and vacancies

  2. Publishing during rollover

    What does Publish do, what changes?

  3. In what order should we build the Edit screens?

    List edit screens with their complexity and priority

  4. Onboarding wizard as a Google form

    Capturing contact details, UCAS admin details and first location

  5. Logic mapping UCAS eligibility questions to API codes

    Which code should the API sent to UCAS based on a provider’s answers to questions

  6. Tabs on locations

    Show courses at each location and location history

  7. Type of location MVP

    A quick way to indicate if a location is an area or an address

  8. Problems with a course

    Exploration into highlighting problems with a course before publishing

  9. New course wizard – 9 April iteration

    Bring the wizard in line with changes made to the Google Form

  10. Email with video of new vacancies feature

    Watch our video about the new Publish teacher training courses

  11. An MVP for the first cohort transition from UCAS

    A projected cut of the service and how it will look around the time we transition the first and second cohorts from UCAS

  12. New location as a Google form

    An MVP version of the location form we can ship with transition

  13. Age ranges

    Move age range from an optional question on the subject page to a required question on its own page

  14. Minimum course requirements – iterations

    A view of how the minimum requirements design has been iterated since December

  15. New course wizard – As a Google Form

    An MVP version of the wizard we can ship with transition

  16. Tabs on course pages

    Splitting course details and enrichments

  17. Requesting a title

    What happens when a provider asks for a custom title

  18. Email about Publish changes in April

    Sent on Wednesday 13 March

  19. Deleting and withdrawing courses

    And why there are both

  20. UCAS settings and contacts

    Problems sharing contact information, and how we get around them

  21. Email asking for providers who are available 15-18 April for our first UCAS transition group

    Sent on Thursday 7 March

  22. Explaining transition

    A page transitioned organisations will see when they first sign in

  23. Postcodes

    Asking for, validating and storing postcodes

  24. UCAS Apply preferences: Letters and alerts

    Only the GT12 letter and email alert preferences are needed

  25. UCAS Apply preferences

    Settings such as GT12 letters, Star J, Star X and other requirements

  26. Onboarding workflow and wizard

    How does the onboarding process look after UCAS transition?

  27. Rollover wizard

    A full rollover wizard, ending in a page with current and next cycles

  28. Email announcing UCAS transition

    Sent on Monday 20 February

  29. Add a location – 13 February iteration

    Clarify the purpose of locations

  30. Rollover reckons

    Thoughts on what rollover might look like. And notes on what rollover is right now

  31. Status logic before UCAS transition

    How vacancies, applications and whether a course is on Find is derived from a set of training locations

  32. New course wizard: Languages – 5 February iteration

    Simplify the fields for languages

  33. New course wizard: Accredited body – 5 February iteration

    Remove one of the choices, and minimise the chance of error

  34. Minimum viable Add training location

    A replication of what’s available on UCAS. For if we do not have time to build school autocompletes and other features, with everything else.

  35. Add a region or area workflow

    Add a region or area, rather than a school or university

  36. Add training location wizard

    Add a training location in Publish teacher training courses rather than UCAS

  37. Preparing for more features

    Updating the organisation and courses pages to accommodate new features being added as part of UCAS transition

  38. Edit course information workflow

    Workflow diagram for editing course information

  39. New course wizard – Further education

    Designs for the further education path in the new course wizard

  40. Vacancies – 14 January iteration

    Updates to button styles, messaging and validation

  41. New course wizard – 14 January iteration

    Updates to subjects, minimum requirements and course titles

  42. Course page – 11 January iteration

    Edit course information, update the status column

  43. Migrating publish statuses

    How old UCAS status and enrichment status should map to a single new status

  44. Vacancies

    First design for changing vacancies at each training location on a course

  45. Rethinking the publish workflow

    What does the publish workflow look like after UCAS transition?

  46. New course wizard – Confirming course title

    Moving the course title fields into the wizard

  47. New course wizard – Minimum course requirements

    Choose the minimum course requirements from the new course wizard

  48. Specific course requirements for UCAS Apply

    Documentation on minimum qualifications settings in UCAS web-link and apply

  49. New course wizard – Training locations

    Choosing training locations from the new course wizard

  50. New course wizard – 6 December iteration

    Consider route into and out of wizard