
  1. New course wizard

    Create a new course in Publish teacher training courses rather than UCAS

  2. UCAS onboarding form

    The form completed by new training providers when they begin offering initial teacher training courses

  3. Schools autocomplete

    An autocomplete for selecting partner schools quickly

  4. Location labels and survey research

    First attempts to understand location with a classification exercise

  5. The location problem

    Location is a complex issue, we begin to break it down

  6. Hide discontinued training locations

    Do not show these locations to avoid confusion

  7. Edit a course outcome

    Allow providers to choose an outcome, instead of using our inferred one

  8. Course statuses – 15 October iteration

    We have uncovered more complexity around course statuses on UCAS

  9. Copy content – 14 September iteration

    Make the copy feature easier to find

  10. Copy content from another course (Live)

    We changed this feature when we built it

  11. Welcome email

    The email we send when users first sign in

  12. Enrichment release – 6 September

    Publish courses, as it was released with the course enrichment feature

  13. Contact details

    Allow users to edit their contact details

  14. Iteration – 24 August

    Split homepage into tasks, Step 1 and Step 2

  15. Iteration – 23 August

    Trying to bring ‘About your organisation’ into the user journey

  16. User research – 22 August

    Testing markdown, SimpleMDE and publishing workflow

  17. Who did what and when

    The beginnings of an audit trail for content

  18. Preview course

    Different preview states depending on course type and state

  19. Terms agreement

    A user must agree to terms before enriching

  20. Fields we ask for and why

    Documentation of needs around each course field

  21. Copy content from another course

    Design for copying form values from one course to another

  22. Formatting

    Paragraphs, lists and links

  23. No more course folding

    Reasoning behind not folding courses and unfolded course designs

  24. Success messaging

    Messages we show after a successful save or publish

  25. Course statuses – 3 August iteration

    A more indepth look at UCAS course status and how it will affect publishing

  26. Story map – 1 August 2018

    Screenshots of the end to end journey from publish courses to search and compare

  27. Validating on publish

    How validation works when a user tries to publish without the required fields

  28. UCAS course status

    An iteration on the onboarding design (read-only) to include course status

  29. Salary and fees

    Designs for different fields for salaried and fee paying courses

  30. When a user is not recognised

    Designs for when a user’s email is not in our whitelist

  31. Templates

    Use templates to share information between courses

  32. Shared organisation details

    Share organisation information between courses and split the organisation page across tabs

  33. Managing multiple organisations

    Some users will be responsible for courses from multiple organisations. eg SCITT-schools

  34. Request access

    Request access for users

  35. Iteration 28 June 2018

    Add character counts and refine preview

  36. Check your UCAS data (Initial launch)

    A read-only version of the tool where users can validate their imported courses and request access for users

  37. Iteration 26 June 2018

    Separate courses by accrediting provider. Provide explicit fields for each course offered.

  38. Draft of a read only version

    An initial pass at what a read only view of the service could have looked like

  39. Draft of the QA process

    Submit to QA and example pass and fail emails

  40. School direct view – Iteration

    An iteration of the school direct view tested with Kingston School Direct

  41. School direct view

    School Direct routes are the most complex. List schools, show multiple UCAS courses per subject, show folded course summary.

  42. A university’s view

    Universities are the simplest provider. There are no schools to apply to and no course folding.

  43. Show details from UCAS

    Indicate the raw information we’ve received from UCAS, begin to explain where this must be edited and how we are handling that information

  44. Contextual guidance on course fields

    A first pass at providing some guidance for each course field. Starting from the original onboarding guidance

  45. Sign-in: User registers themself

    We send users a sign-up link so they can register and then be forwarded on to our service

  46. Sign-in: Invite a user

    This is the approach we attempted first. Because of limitations with the invite email and users ending up at a dead-end, we switched to self-registration

  47. Course folding and UCAS course details

    Following the definition of a course, documentation on how we might fold courses based on UCAS data

  48. Course with variants and field guidance

    Exploration of a course page with fields to capture variants of a course and the differences between them

  49. What is a course?

    Work to define our definition of a course

  50. Courses and tabs

    Exploration of a home page view with tabs for courses, schools, default course and organisation details