
  1. Replace a referee

    Let a candidate add a new referee.

  2. Gather feedback from referees

    Include a feedback form immediately after submitting a reference.

  3. Interview needs

    Making sure candidates make reasonable requests for interview.

  4. User research with first Apply candidates

    Research interviews with first users of production service.

  5. Work history and volunteering guidance

    Making sure providers get the information they need about a candidate’s (unpaid) work history.

  6. Suitability to work with children

    Add a section to disclose convictions or anything that could affect suitability to work with children.

  7. Working patterns for part time jobs

    Adding a place for candidates to describe their working pattern.

  8. Give a teacher training reference (iteration)

    Simplifying the previous design.

  9. What we ask for and why

    A question protocol.

  10. Accessibility audit report from DAC

    The Digital Accessibility Centre audited our candidate, provider and support pages.

  11. Giving details about disability

    Training with a disability and reasonable adjustments course choices.

  12. Give a teacher training reference

    Replacing the Google form with an integrated form.

  13. Apply as launched on 26 November 2019

    The initial pilot with one provider.

  14. Amending and withdrawing

    Amending applications and withdrawing course choices.

  15. From Find to Apply

    User journey and screenshots for a new user.

  16. Apply – September 2019

    A full set of screens showing the design in mid-September.

  17. Asking for an undergraduate degree

    Get the most important degree details first.

  18. Cover letters

    Creating a place to customise what’s sent to each provider.

  19. Removing the teaching profile

    Why we removed it, and the alternative

  20. Equality monitoring

    First pass at asking for information for monitoring equality.

  21. Apply – June 2019 – Create account

    Sign up, sign in, recover password and dashboard

  22. Apply – June 2019 – Personal details

    Adding name, nationality and visas

  23. Apply – June 2019 – Contact details

    Adding emails, phone number and address

  24. Apply – June 2019 – Academic qualifications

    Adding your degree, statutory requirements and other qualifications

  25. Apply – June 2019 – Subject knowledge

    Evidence of knowledge and interest in a subject

  26. Apply – June 2019 – Language skills

    Is English your main language?

  27. Apply – June 2019 – Work history

    Adding work history and explaining gaps

  28. Apply – June 2019 – School experience

    Adding school experience roles

  29. Apply – June 2019 – References

    Adding first and second referees

  30. Apply – June 2019 – Why you want to be a teacher?

    Also known as vocation

  31. Apply – June 2019 – Review and submit application

    See what you’ve entered, interview preferences and submission

  32. Work history – August iteration

    Move guidance into a question

  33. Submitted application

    Applications page and read only view.

  34. Picking courses to apply to

    Providing a route to Find, or selecting the course you want.

  35. Sign up and log in using a magic link

    An alternative to using an account and password

  36. Creating our first interactive prototype

    Testing an interactive version of the application form.

  37. Prototyping with paper-based application forms

    Testing hypotheses and preparing for a concierged service.

  38. Progressive application

    Ask for further information only when needed.

  39. Free form application and qualifications

    More free text, less structured data.

  40. UCAS sign up

    Registering for UCAS Teacher Training

  41. UCAS references

    Completing a reference for a UCAS applicant

  42. UCAS emails

    Registering for UCAS Teacher Training

  43. UCAS coronavirus (COVID-19) email

    Communicating temporary changes to the decline by default and reject by default decision dates

  44. UCAS application form

    Completing the UCAS application form

  45. Apply – December 2018

    The Apply designs as they stood at the end of December 2018.

  46. Apply – August 2018

    The Apply designs as they stood at the end of August 2018.

  47. Apply – May 2018

    About you, qualifications and experience.

  48. Apply – April 2018

    Application and summary.