Posts tagged ‘courses’

  1. Changes we made to the service in preparation for rollover 2024

    We made several changes to the service as part of our preparation for rollover

  2. Improving how candidates view course information and compare courses

    Reducing the length of course pages and moving information to be accessible at the point of need.

  3. Explaining to candidates when they can start applying to courses

    We made the content clearer to help candidates understand when they can start applying for courses in the new recruitment cycle.

  4. Improving the content when a candidate selects a course from Find

    We improved the content a candidate sees when selecting a course from Find postgraduate teacher training by making sure it follows GOV.UK Design System patterns and the GOV.UK style guidelines.

  5. Improving the guidance when a training provider withdraws a course

    We added content and a link to the withdraw course page to help users better understand the implications of withdrawing a course

  6. Encouraging providers to open their course to receive applications as soon as possible

    We added some content to the ‘Applications open date’ question to encourage providers to open their course as soon as it’s on Find

  7. Changing the way candidates choose courses

    We changed the way candidates can apply to courses by moving the flow to a different section of the service.

  8. Hiding the ‘Add course’ button when organisation details are missing

    We only show the ‘Add course’ button when the provider has entered the required information to create a course

  9. Changing the application process for candidates

    We designed a new way for candidates to fill out and submit their applications for teacher training to give them more flexibility to manage their applications.

  10. Improving the course preview

    We updated the the draft course preview to make it easier to view and update missing content

  11. Updating the error messages displayed in the add and edit course flows

    We improved the error messages on the ‘Add course’ and edit course flows to make the language clearer and more accurate

  12. Sorting by course name in the search results

    We added sorting by course name to make it easier for users to find the courses they want

  13. Expanding abbreviations to improve accessibility

    We updated and expanded the abbreviations used in the service to improve accessibility

  14. Showing course title on the ‘Check your answers’ page

    We updated the position of the course title on the add course ‘Check your answers’ page to make it clear to users how the course will be named

  15. Updating the ‘Check your answers’ and course details pages

    We updated the ‘Check your answers’ and course details pages to make the content consistent with the add and edit course flows

  16. Making course previews consistent with Find

    We updated course previews to make them consistent with Find and improved how we indicate missing content

  17. Improving the content on the add and edit course flows

    We updated content and some interactions to make adding and editing a course clearer

  18. Separating the ‘Published’ status into ‘Open’, ‘Closed’ and ‘Scheduled’ statuses

    We updated the ‘Published’ status to more accurately describe the state the course is in on Find postgraduate teacher training

  19. Reviewing course statuses

    We reviewed the course statuses and found ways to improve them

  20. Improving the course summary examples guidance page

    We updated the course summary examples page in response to provider feedback

  21. Improving the guidance on the course description pages

    We updated the guidance on the course summary, school placements and interview process pages to make it more relevant and concise

  22. Allowing users to manually rollover courses not previously published

    We added a way for users to manually roll over courses into the next recruitment cycle

  23. Emailing users to let them know that courses will be rolled over soon

    We emailed all Publish users to tell them that their courses would be rolled over on 7 July 2022

  24. Moving the position of course status and course actions

    We moved the course status tag and course actions to make it easier for users to see the status of their course and take action

  25. Showing academic year on the course details page

    We added academic year information next to the course start date on the course details page

  26. Changing route and courses for registered trainees

  27. Adding questions about visa sponsorship to courses

    We added questions about visa sponsorship to the new course and the edit course flows

  28. Improving content on the course pages

    We updated the content to make it clearer how to add, edit and remove a course and aligned the content with the style guide

  29. Updating the 'Choose your courses' flow for the new cycle

    Removing the ‘Choose a course first’ and ‘Choose your courses’ pages.

  30. Courses with multiple subjects

    Adding support for a second and third subject on a course

  31. Picking courses from Publish

    We experimented with offering providers a list of courses from Publish instead of having them pick a route and then entering course details

  32. Course page workshop

    Identifying user and stakeholder needs and opportunities for course page improvements

  33. New course wizard as launched for accredited bodies

    The new course wizard is now available to accredited bodies

  34. Courses as an accredited body

    See which courses you’re the accredited body for

  35. In what order should we build the Edit screens?

    List edit screens with their complexity and priority

  36. Problems with a course

    Exploration into highlighting problems with a course before publishing

  37. New course wizard – 9 April iteration

    Bring the wizard in line with changes made to the Google Form

  38. Minimum course requirements – iterations

    A view of how the minimum requirements design has been iterated since December

  39. New course wizard – As a Google Form

    An MVP version of the wizard we can ship with transition

  40. Tabs on course pages

    Splitting course details and enrichments

  41. Requesting a title

    What happens when a provider asks for a custom title

  42. Deleting and withdrawing courses

    And why there are both

  43. New course wizard: Languages – 5 February iteration

    Simplify the fields for languages

  44. New course wizard: Accredited body – 5 February iteration

    Remove one of the choices, and minimise the chance of error

  45. Preparing for more features

    Updating the organisation and courses pages to accommodate new features being added as part of UCAS transition

  46. Edit course information workflow

    Workflow diagram for editing course information

  47. New course wizard – Further education

    Designs for the further education path in the new course wizard

  48. New course wizard – 14 January iteration

    Updates to subjects, minimum requirements and course titles

  49. Course page – 11 January iteration

    Edit course information, update the status column

  50. Migrating publish statuses

    How old UCAS status and enrichment status should map to a single new status

  51. New course wizard – Confirming course title

    Moving the course title fields into the wizard

  52. New course wizard – Minimum course requirements

    Choose the minimum course requirements from the new course wizard

  53. Specific course requirements for UCAS Apply

    Documentation on minimum qualifications settings in UCAS web-link and apply

  54. New course wizard – Training locations

    Choosing training locations from the new course wizard

  55. New course wizard – 6 December iteration

    Consider route into and out of wizard

  56. New course wizard

    Create a new course in Publish teacher training courses rather than UCAS

  57. Iterate course titles

    Make it easier to differentiate between search results

  58. Edit a course outcome

    Allow providers to choose an outcome, instead of using our inferred one

  59. Course statuses – 15 October iteration

    We have uncovered more complexity around course statuses on UCAS

  60. Copy content – 14 September iteration

    Make the copy feature easier to find

  61. Copy content from another course (Live)

    We changed this feature when we built it

  62. Enrichment release – 6 September

    Publish courses, as it was released with the course enrichment feature

  63. Preview course

    Different preview states depending on course type and state

  64. No more course folding

    Reasoning behind not folding courses and unfolded course designs

  65. Course statuses – 3 August iteration

    A more indepth look at UCAS course status and how it will affect publishing

  66. Validating on publish

    How validation works when a user tries to publish without the required fields

  67. UCAS course status

    An iteration on the onboarding design (read-only) to include course status

  68. Templates

    Use templates to share information between courses

  69. Iteration 28 June 2018

    Add character counts and refine preview

  70. Check your UCAS data (Initial launch)

    A read-only version of the tool where users can validate their imported courses and request access for users

  71. Iteration 26 June 2018

    Separate courses by accrediting provider. Provide explicit fields for each course offered.

  72. Draft of a read only version

    An initial pass at what a read only view of the service could have looked like

  73. Draft of the QA process

    Submit to QA and example pass and fail emails

  74. School direct view – Iteration

    An iteration of the school direct view tested with Kingston School Direct

  75. Folded courses research 8 June 2018

    Testing study options in search results and on the course information page

  76. School direct view

    School Direct routes are the most complex. List schools, show multiple UCAS courses per subject, show folded course summary.

  77. A university’s view

    Universities are the simplest provider. There are no schools to apply to and no course folding.

  78. Show details from UCAS

    Indicate the raw information we’ve received from UCAS, begin to explain where this must be edited and how we are handling that information

  79. Contextual guidance on course fields

    A first pass at providing some guidance for each course field. Starting from the original onboarding guidance

  80. Course folding and UCAS course details

    Following the definition of a course, documentation on how we might fold courses based on UCAS data

  81. Course with variants and field guidance

    Exploration of a course page with fields to capture variants of a course and the differences between them

  82. What is a course?

    Work to define our definition of a course

  83. Courses and tabs

    Exploration of a home page view with tabs for courses, schools, default course and organisation details

  84. Course with parts

    Experimental designs looking at breaking course fields onto different pages, based on a theme

  85. Experimental new course wizard

    Breaking down data required for each course into a page-per-thing wizard

  86. UCAS course examples

    Examples of courses on UCAS search