
  1. Changes to the GCSE questions and guidance

    Helping candidates apply for courses which accept pending GCSEs or equivalency tests

  2. End of cycle 2021

    How the application form changes at the end of the 2021 cycle.

  3. Allowing candidates to apply again earlier

    An exploration of changes to the rules around ‘applying again’

  4. Selecting references

    Letting candidates choose which references to submit with their application

  5. Prompting candidates to review their answers before submitting

    Making recommendations to candidates on how they can improve their application prior to submission, aka ‘flight check’.

  6. Apply again changes

    Encouraging candidates to apply again, using feedback from previous applications.

  7. Dashboard changes

    How we changed what candidates see after they have submitted their application

  8. Encouraging candidates to add A levels

    A levels are not part of the teacher training entry requirements so candidates do not have to enter them, yet A levels can help candidates demonstrate knowledge in a wider range of subjects.

  9. Changing “Conditions met”

    Why we changed the status tag for confirmed offers.

  10. Improving work history

    Asking for a full work history and simplifying the section by removing skills and experience

  11. Simplifying the feedback form

    Removing checkboxes and making written feedback required.

  12. Prompting for feedback throughout the application journey

    Inviting candidates to provide feedback on the current page.

  13. Getting references before submitting an application

    Removing the delay between submitting an application and it reaching providers.

  14. Helping candidates work on an application across 2 recruitment cycles

    Applying again when a recruitment cycle has ended.

  15. Asking for degree grades

    Making it easier to enter predicted and international degree grades.

  16. Making the recruitment process transparent at the end of the year

    Letting candidates know about courses closing and reopening while encouraging them to pursue their application.

  17. Asking for nationality

    Asking for nationality and getting a structured list of country codes.

  18. Is your English good enough to be a teacher?

    We’re asking international candidates to give details about their English language qualifications.

  19. Opening up the service to international candidates

    Allowing international candidates to give details about their residency status, address, language skills and academic qualifications.

  20. Courses that become full after submission – our initial approach

    Informing candidates when a course becomes full between submission and the provider receiving it, and letting them decide what to do.

  21. Structured data for pre-degree qualifications

    Capturing structured answers for GCSE and other pre-degree qualifications.

  22. Making the references process faster

    Changing the way we ask for references to find out if it’s taking longer than needed.

  23. Apply again: Accept or decline an offer and withdrawing

    Tweaks to the language used when responding to offers or withdrawing.

  24. Apply again: Choose a course first

    Reduce risk of candidates completing a second application for a course that is only available through UCAS.

  25. Improving the references user journey

    Adapting the references section so it works for candidates applying for the first time and for candidates applying again.

  26. Reason for withdrawing

    Asking candidates to tell us why they decided to withdraw their application.

  27. Applying again (iteration)

    A bunch of changes to improve the application process when applying again. Some of the changes are just as applicable when making the first application.

  28. Structured data for degree qualifications

    Capturing structured answers for degree qualifications to facilitate reporting to HESA.

  29. Capturing feedback about the service

    Using a survey to gather insights about how candidates feel about using the service.

  30. Informing candidates about the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19)

    Communicating temporary changes to the decline by default and reject by default decision dates

  31. What needs to change if you’re applying again

    What guidance, content and designs need to be tweaked when we build Apply 2.

  32. The troubles with amending (or editing) your application

    Complexities we faced when building an MVP version of this feature.

  33. Applying again (Apply 2)

    Providing an option for unsuccessful applicants to apply again.

  34. Application dashboard

    How the dashboard looks at different stages of an application.

  35. Adding academic and other relevant qualifications

    Encourage candidates to demonstrate their subject knowledge and broader academic achievements.

  36. The summary card component

    A design pattern to enable the display of multiple summaries alongside each other.

  37. Courses that become full after submission

    Considerations for when a course becomes full between submission and the provider receiving it.

  38. Give a reference (second iteration)

    Asking for more information from referees.

  39. Work history breaks

    How we built work history breaks (previously ‘gaps’).

  40. Stop applications to full or unavailable courses

    Prevent them from adding a full course, or submitting with a full course.

  41. Choosing which service to apply through

    During transition, providers can offer training courses through both UCAS and/or DfE. Which service should a candidate use?

  42. Add another course

    Encourage candidates to add more courses at the start.

  43. Signing back into the service

    Making it easier to return to your application.

  44. Declaring any safeguarding issues

    Starting a conversation between providers and candidates about safeguarding issues.

  45. Asking candidates to nominate referees

  46. Giving details about disability (iteration)

    An iteration of the disability section.

  47. Residency status

    Initial designs for capturing visas and residency status.

  48. International qualifications

    Initial designs for capturing international qualifications.

  49. International address

    Initial designs for capturing international addresses.

  50. Replace both referees

    Let a candidate add 2 new referees.