
  1. Preparing for ITT reform

    How the service will change to adapt to the new ITT policy

  2. Understanding trainee withdrawals

    We conducted data analysis and desktop research to understand what we know and what we don’t know about why trainees withdraw from teacher training

  3. Collecting all trainee data directly from providers

    We are designing tools to allow all providers to efficiently provide information about their trainee teachers directly to the Department of Education

  4. Uploading bulk placement data

    We created a bulk upload tool to help ITT providers make changes to multiple trainee records at the same time

  5. Recording trainee placement data

    We added trainee placement data to collect, analyse and better understand how to meet the placement needs of both providers and trainees

  6. Making it clearer that a trainee is waiting to be awarded teaching status

    We added content to be shown after a trainee is recommended for teaching status but before they get the award.

  7. No longer asking for a trainee’s home address

    We’ve stopped importing, collecting and displaying home addresses.

  8. Allowing providers to import applications with conditions pending

    Making it possible to register trainees whose status in Apply has not yet changed to recruited.

  9. Highlighting problems with trainee records

    Helping providers fix their own data so that they do not need to contact the support team.

  10. Allowing users to edit records imported from HESA in Register

    We’ve made it easier for users from higher education authorities to correct mistakes in their data.

  11. Bulk awarding of teaching status

    Letting providers bulk recommend trainees for qualified teacher status or early years teacher status.

  12. Asking providers to sign off trainee data for the previous academic year

    We created a way for providers to confirm which trainees qualified, withdrew and deferred in the previous academic year.

  13. Collecting more useful information about why trainees withdraw

    We made it possible for providers to give more accurate and detailed information about why trainee teachers withdraw from courses.

  14. When everything’s gone wrong

    A look at our ‘maintenance page’, to be used when the service is offline

  15. Helping HEIs find trainees from a single year

    Improving ways providers can find everyone who was in training in an academic year

  16. Updating Register’s guidance pages

    We updated Register’s guidance pages to help different training providers find what they need quickly

  17. Adding support for iQTS

    Adding support for registering trainees studying international qualified teacher status (iQTS)

  18. Updating the ‘ITT end date’ field

    Renaming the field and prompting for it to be updated so it stays up to date

  19. Updating our support user interface

    Improving the tools and interface our support staff use to administer Register

  20. Adding reports to Register to help users check their data

    Giving users more ways to help them check their data

  21. Revisiting how we identify current and past trainees

    Revising our designs for how we’ll identify current and past trainees

  22. Showing providers the funding they receive

    Improving transparency and clarity in how the DfE decides how much it pays each month

  23. Changing route and courses for registered trainees

  24. Improvements to our autocompletes

    Looking through individual improvements we’ve made to our autocompletes to better support our users

  25. Using analytics to understand where our autocompletes could be improved

    An investigation in to where users struggle with our autocompletes

  26. Highlighting invalid answers

    Exploring patterns for showing answers that are invalid

  27. Preventing browser auto-fill

    Our solution to disabling browser auto-fill

  28. Apply integration - version 1

    Exploring how we’ll import records from Apply

  29. Giving Register users service updates and latest news

    Another way to keep users up to date about the transition to Register

  30. Removing the highest academic qualification question

    Why we think we do not need this question and an alternate design if we do

  31. Courses with multiple subjects

    Adding support for a second and third subject on a course

  32. Searching for a school (part 2)

    Designs for our non-JavaScript school search

  33. Initial placements findings

    Initial findings on placements show they are more complex than we initially thought

  34. Setting the withdrawal date for deferred trainees

    Improving how we collect this data

  35. Investigating free text responses from Apply

    Looking at data submitted to Apply and how it might impact Register

  36. Searching for a school (part 1)

    Exploring using an autocomplete to pick schools

  37. Adding school direct routes

    Expanding the routes we support

  38. Collecting placement details

    A first pass at collecting a trainees’ placement details

  39. Initial support for users who work for multiple providers

    Dipping our toes in to the complex world of organisations, providers, and schools

  40. Reflect how providers work through the task list

    Our previous iteration of the task list did not reflect the way our users think and behave

  41. Selecting which degree a bursary was awarded for

    Helping providers pick between multiple degrees to tell us which one attacted a bursary

  42. Bulk actions on a group of records

    Letting providers do common actions in one go

  43. Recording training outcomes (iteration 2)

    Removing the option for failure when recording training outcomes

  44. Picking courses from Publish

    We experimented with offering providers a list of courses from Publish instead of having them pick a route and then entering course details

  45. Collecting trainee start date

    Adding a second date in addition to the course start date

  46. Beta prototype research (round 3)

    Continuing research into the provider-led journey

  47. Recording training outcomes

    An early attempt at recording training outcomes

  48. Beta prototype research (round 2)

    Research into provider-led user needs and continued testing of the prototype

  49. Beta prototype updates

    How the prototype looked for round 2 of research

  50. Beta prototype v1

    Building a new prototype from scratch