Posts tagged ‘alpha’

  1. The anatomy of a school placement

    Thoughts on what constitutes a school placement

  2. Measuring the success of a school placements service

    Thoughts on ​​service key performance indicators (KPIs)

  3. Experiment 6: Managing school and mentor SEND capabilities

    Exploring how we collect and show school and mentor special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) capabilities

  4. Experiment 5: Managing mentors if you’re a school

    Iterating how schools manage their mentors’ information

  5. Experiment 4: Finding mentors if you’re an ITT provider

    We iterated our second experiment, exploring how providers might find information about mentors

  6. Experiment 3: Exploring how providers might report information about school placements

    We changed our approach from schools and providers adding and finding school placements to providers reporting their school placement needs to DfE

  7. Experiment 2b: Iterating what we show to ITT providers when they search for school placements

    We iterated our first experiment to explore how providers might find information about school placements

  8. Experiment 2a: Iterating how schools add school placements

    We iterated our first experiment exploring how schools might add information about school placements

  9. Experiment 1b: Finding school placements if you’re an ITT provider

    Exploring how providers might find information about school placements

  10. Experiment 1a: Adding school placements if you’re a school

    Exploring how schools might add information about school placements

  11. Defining our problem statements

    We translated our four problem areas into problem statements to give our team and stakeholders clarity and focus

  12. Problems with school placements

    During discovery, we identified several problem areas

  13. Mapping our assumptions

    We mapped our assumptions to understand better which areas of the school placement problem space we should explore

  14. Why are we working on school placements?

    Schools play a critical role in delivering Initial Teacher Training (ITT) by providing placements and mentors for trainee teachers, but engagement levels vary

  15. Alpha prototype

    A look at the alpha prototype and beginning to think about the next steps

  16. Alpha version 4

  17. Alpha version 3

  18. Alpha version 2

  19. Alpha version 1