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Emailing school users

We email school users when support or another school user adds or removes them from the service.

School user added

Invitation to join Claim funding for mentor training

Dear ((firstname)),

You have been invited to join the Claim funding mentor training service for ((organisation_name)).

Sign in to submit claims

If you have a DfE Sign-in account, you can use it to sign in:

If you need to create a DfE Sign-in account, you can do this after clicking ‘Sign in using DfE Sign-in’.

After creating a DfE Sign-in account, you must return to this email and sign in to access the service.

Give feedback or report a problem

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the team at

Claim funding for mentor training team

School user removed

You have been removed from Claim funding for mentor training

Dear ((firstname)),

You have been removed from the Claim funding for mentor training service for ((organisation_name)).

Give feedback or report a problem

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the team at

Claim funding for mentor training team