Posts tagged ‘rejections’

  1. Letting training providers recommend candidates to other providers

    Testing the idea of a ‘shortlist of eligible candidates’ where training providers can recommend candidates to other providers.

  2. Rejection email previews

    Why we decided to show providers a preview of the rejection emails that will be sent to candidates

  3. Helping users decide if candidates meet the initial teacher training criteria

    Exploring how training providers understand the initial teacher training criteria and if we can better support them when assessing candidates.

  4. Revisiting reasons for rejection

    Why we decided to simplify the list of reasons for rejecting a candidate, and what the research told us

  5. Asking if rejection feedback is helpful

    How we are experimenting with measuring the usefulness of rejection feedback.

  6. Adding an interruption page to encourage users to give feedback on automatically rejected applications

    We tried showing an interruption page to users who need to give feedback on automatically rejected applications.

  7. Reasons for rejection iteration 6

    Getting the new flow ready for production.

  8. Reasons for rejection iteration 5

    Changing the categorisation, content and interaction of selecting reasons for rejection.

  9. Prompting candidates to review their answers before submitting

    Making recommendations to candidates on how they can improve their application prior to submission, aka ‘flight check’.

  10. Adding a ‘cannot sponsor visa’ reason for rejection

    Let providers reject an application because they cannot sponsor a candidate’s visa

  11. Removing the ‘future applications’ question from reasons for rejection

    We decided to stop asking users whether or not they want to receive future applications from the candidate

  12. Better feedback for automatically rejected applications

    Give candidates better feedback when their application was automatically rejected

  13. Reasons for rejection iteration 4 (emails)

    Various improvements to reasons for rejection and email redesign

  14. Prompting users to give feedback on automatically rejected applications

    Let candidates know why their application was automatically rejected so they don’t lose confidence unnecessarily

  15. Sorting by reject by default (RBD) date

    Let users sort by RBD date

  16. Reasons for rejection iteration 3

    Combined some questions onto one page, added an additional question and improved content

  17. Reasons for rejection iteration 2

    Helping providers give useful feedback to candidates who’ve been rejected

  18. Reasons for rejection

    Helping providers give useful feedback to candidates who have been rejected