Posts tagged ‘applications’

  1. Changes we made to the service in preparation for rollover 2024

    We made several changes to the service as part of our preparation for rollover

  2. Enhancing the user experience and interface for application pages

    We have revamped and refined the application interface, making it more user-friendly and efficient

  3. Improving the designs when a candidate submits an application

    We added a page to help candidates review their application before submitting it and improved the content around submitting an application.

  4. Giving applicants the best chance of success

    We designed a new pattern that encourages candidates improve their personal statement just before they submit their application

  5. Grouping and ordering applications for candidates

    We included headings in between the list of applications a candidate sees when they start applying for teacher training.

  6. Helping candidates understand why they cannot submit an application

    There are some scenarios where we need to stop candidates from submitting applications, we developed content to help them understand what they need to do to submit their applications.

  7. Improving the guidance when a training provider withdraws a course

    We added content and a link to the withdraw course page to help users better understand the implications of withdrawing a course

  8. Showing training providers when an application is updated by a candidate

    We have added the ability to show providers when an application has been updated and to see the changes in the timeline of an application.

  9. Allowing candidates to edit their application form after they’ve submitted it

    As part of our work to change the application process, we designed a way for candidates to edit parts of their application form after they’ve submitted it.

  10. Encouraging providers to open their course to receive applications as soon as possible

    We added some content to the ‘Applications open date’ question to encourage providers to open their course as soon as it’s on Find

  11. Improving the content in the ‘Interview needs’ section

    We improved the content on the question where we ask candidates about their interview availablity

  12. Moving the equality and diversity survey

    We moved the equality and diversity survey to a new section on the application form.

  13. Changing the way candidates choose courses

    We changed the way candidates can apply to courses by moving the flow to a different section of the service.

  14. Allowing providers to import applications with conditions pending

    Making it possible to register trainees whose status in Apply has not yet changed to recruited.

  15. Investigating free text responses from Apply

    Looking at data submitted to Apply and how it might impact Register

  16. How will candidates apply for this course?

    Making allowances for providers with bespoke application processes