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How data flows through the service line

We mapped what data is created and consumed and how it flows through the ‘Becoming a teacher’ service line as of May 2024.

How data flows through the ‘Becoming a teacher’ service line
How data flows through the ‘Becoming a teacher’ service line (select image to view larger version)

Download the diagram as a PDF (675KB)

Becoming a teacher has several services that create, share and consume data:

  • Publish teacher training courses (Publish)
  • Find postgraduate teacher training (Find)
  • Apply for teacher training (Apply)
  • Manage teacher training applications (Manage)
  • Register trainee teachers (Register)
  • Claim funding for mentor training (Claims)
  • Manage school placements (Placements)

The service line also uses or receives data from third parties:

  • Database of Qualified Teachers (DQT)
  • Get information about schools (GIAS)
  • Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

Furthermore, student record systems (SRS) interact with Manage and Register through APIs and HESA.

Student record systems include:

  • Ellucian Banner
  • Oracle
  • Thesis Cloud
  • Tribal SITS

Data entities

The service line includes several data entities, which we have defined as:

  • application
  • course
  • placement
  • provider
  • school
  • teacher
  • trainee

In the future, there will also be a ‘mentor’ entity.

Data entity ownership

Different services are responsible for each data entity. Typically, this is where the data enters the service line. For example, Publish owns course data.

Data entity Service
application Apply for teacher training
course Publish teacher training courses
placement Manage school placements
provider Publish teacher training courses
school Get information about schools
teacher Database of Qualified Teachers
trainee Register teacher trainees
mentor Manage school placements and Claim funding for mentor training

DQT does not only hold teacher data. It also holds data on trainees and other people, such as widows and widowers, who collect their partner’s pension.

Where one service uses the entity authored in another, the data is copied rather than accessed via an API. If data is changed in a downstream service, it is not passed back to the owning service.

Data relationships

Each service independently creates relationships between different entities. For example, Publish and Manage separately create relationships between accredited providers and lead partners.

Data relationship Service
Accredited provider to lead partner Publish teacher training courses and Manage teacher training applications
Course to accredited provider Publish teacher training courses
Course to school Publish teacher training courses
ITT provider to school Manage school placements

Some relationships are defined within data entities, for example:

Data relationship Service
Candidate to application Apply for teacher training
Course to accredited provider Publish teacher training courses
Course to school Publish teacher training courses

Application programming interfaces (APIs)

API Read/write Public/private Documentation
Apply for teacher training Read and write Private Apply API docs
Publish teacher training courses Read only Public Publish API docs

At the time of writing, Register has an API in development.