
  1. Recruitment performance report 2024

    Research findings for the performance report

  2. Adding a heading to the application list to help providers find older applications

    We added an extra heading and content to help providers view applications submitted over 30 working days ago.

  3. Allowing providers to register candidates who still have to meet their subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) condition

    We added a button to allow providers to send candidates to Register trainee teachers (Register) before all the candidate’s conditions have been met.

  4. Helping training providers prepare for the end of the 2022 to 2023 recruitment cycle

    During August and September 2023, we planned a series of email communications to training providers to help them prepare for the end of the recruitment cycle for initial teacher training (ITT).

  5. Updating email notifications for training providers

    We reviewed all the email notifications we send from Manage when we changed how the application process works.

  6. Showing training providers when an application is updated by a candidate

    We have added the ability to show providers when an application has been updated and to see the changes in the timeline of an application.

  7. Removing the ability for applications to be rejected automatically or offers to be declined automatically

    We removed the ability for application to be rejected automatically after 40 working days and for offers to be declined after 10 working days.

  8. Letting training providers view their recruitment performance

    We released 2 reports to show training providers how their recruitment performance was going halfway through the recruitment cycle.

  9. Reporting on the diversity of applicants

    How we added a report to show providers a summary of the sex, disability, ethnicity and age of their applicants

  10. Adding a withdrawal reasons report

    How we added a report to show providers the different reasons why candidates withdrew their application

  11. Making subject knowledge enhancement courses an offer condition

    How we improved the process of requiring candidates to do a subject knowledge enhancement course before starting their training.

  12. Letting training providers recommend candidates to other providers

    Testing the idea of a ‘shortlist of eligible candidates’ where training providers can recommend candidates to other providers.

  13. Rejection email previews

    Why we decided to show providers a preview of the rejection emails that will be sent to candidates

  14. Helping users decide if candidates meet the initial teacher training criteria

    Exploring how training providers understand the initial teacher training criteria and if we can better support them when assessing candidates.

  15. Revisiting reasons for rejection

    Why we decided to simplify the list of reasons for rejecting a candidate, and what the research told us

  16. Adding a new page for references

    We moved information about references out from the application page onto a new references page

  17. Guidance about references when making an offer

    We added information about the new references process and how to tell candidates about further reference conditions.

  18. Showing dates and deadlines for the next recruitment cycle

    We added information about the next recruitment cycle to the dates and deadlines page.

  19. Making references an offer condition

    Exploring how providers could request and review references after a candidate accepts an offer.

  20. Adding an application details bar to application pages

    We replaced the header on application pages with a smaller application details bar. This makes better use of space and includes actions which users can take from any page.

  21. Shortlisting an application

    We added a way to shortlist a new application, which can be used to distinguish new applications from those that have been sifted.

  22. Filtering the application list to show applications which were received recently

    We added a ‘date received’ filter category to help users find new applications.

  23. Filtering the activity log to show applications which were received recently

    We added filters to the activity log, to help users find recently received applications.

  24. Filters for prioritising important work (iteration 2)

    We removed the ‘important’ filter category and made changes to the filters which had been in it.

  25. Comparing and processing applications across partner organisations and training locations iteration 2

    We added a breakdown of applications by location and additional statuses.

  26. Changing the coloured boxes on the overview page

    We changed the function and colour of boxes on the overview page.

  27. Changing how we show when an application was received on the application details page

    We changed ‘Submitted’ to ‘Date received’ on the application details page. We also removed the time when the application was received.

  28. Helping users decide whether to contact us about a sign in from a new device

    We improved the email we send to users when they appear to have used a new device to sign into the service.

  29. Emailing candidates about upcoming interviews when their course is changed

    We’ll send candidates an email with updated interview details if a user changes the subject or training provider for their course.

  30. Clarifying which notes are shown in the application list

    We definined what we consider to be the latest note and changed the search box label.

  31. Changing how notes are displayed

    We changed the way notes are displayed since letting users change or delete them.

  32. Moving the export data link to the application list

    We made it easier for users to find the link which lets them export applications.

  33. Removing the individual note pages

    We removed the individual note pages because they repeat information available in the notes list.

  34. Letting users change and delete notes

    We added options for users to change and delete notes rather than just keep creating new ones.

  35. Explaining that notes are not shown to candidates

    We added content to the notes page to make it clear that candidates cannot see notes added by providers.

  36. Helping users find applications which have not been looked at yet

    We tried different ways of helping users find applications which have not been looked at yet.

  37. Showing notes in the application list

    We added the latest note for each application to the application list.

  38. Only showing filters that return useful results

    We set rules for when individual filters, categories of filters and the filter panel should appear.

  39. Adding an interruption page to encourage users to give feedback on automatically rejected applications

    We tried showing an interruption page to users who need to give feedback on automatically rejected applications.

  40. Comparing and processing applications across partner organisations

    We added a table to the overview page showing the number of applications waiting for a decision, broken down by partner organisation.

  41. Adding an overview page and filters to help users prioritise their work

    We added a new overview page and filters to compensate for removing priority headings from the application list.

  42. Sorting the application list in different ways

    We made the default sort order more straightforward and added 2 new options to sort by.

  43. Helping users understand the effect of organisation permissions

    We created guidance to explain how organisation permissions affect what users can do and how to check the permissions.

  44. Withdraw an application iteration 3

    Allowing users to withdraw an application after making an offer, even if the candidate has not asked them to do so.

  45. Improving the way we display who made changes in the timeline

    We changed the way we display who made changes in the timeline and activity log.

  46. Sending users a weekly summary of notifications

    We created a weekly summary email and a way for users to choose whether to receive it.

  47. Helping users find applications from the same candidate

    We added a new section to the application called “Other applications”.

  48. Replacing reference number and candidate ID with application number

    We replaced the reference number and candidate ID with application number to better help users find an application

  49. Changing course when there are upcoming interviews or the training provider is changed

    We added content to tell users what happens if they change the course for an application with upcoming interviews, or transfer an application to another training provider.

  50. Changes to the sign in flow when DfE Sign-in is unavailable

    We made several changes to the content in the sign in flow when DfE Sign-in is unavailable.